Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin Patcher

I got to go to my first pumpkin patch the other day. There were pumpkins as far as the eye could see. I refused to pose for a nice photo while picking out my pumpkin. But others were more cooperative. We'll be carving that puppy up today, and showing 'er off for the big day tomorrow! More pictures to come of the after product.

From the word go,

1 comment:

GramaE said...

Hi Hen...Grampa was awestruck when he saw all those pumpkins. OMG you must have been so excited! I'm sure you are getting ready now for the big night. Wish you could trick or treat here in Aberdeen, but, oh well, we look forward to the pictures. Wonder what Joey's gonna go as?

Bee careful with all the goblins running around tonite!!

Love, Grame