Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bump Watch 08-09 - Week 15

I thought I'd start a new feature on this here little bloggy, blog, blog. Since I'm expecting a new little cousin next March, I thought it might be fun to keep track of the progress. So this is our first installment of "Bump Watch 08-09." Just like the celebrities get stalked by paparazzi watching their bellies grow and spreading rumors about when the baby is due, we're going to stalk Auntie Chris. Hopefully she'll be a bit more cooperative and divulge some of the details.

So here she is - Officially Week 15. Not much happening really, but there's a little something, something starting...especially after she has a big meal. Also note all the stuff Mom sent them home with the other night...cradle (Grandpa made it for Mommy when she was a baby...aaawww), bouncy seat (I hated it, barely used), and among other things, Mom's breast pump (when was that?).

If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together,


GramaE said...

Oh Henry, thank you for this post. We are so excited to know that this journey is going to be documented as we really don't want to miss a thing. Doesn't she look fabulous!!

Anxiously awaiting little Baby E.
Gram & Grampa E

Brooke a.k.a. 34B cup said...

Love the bump watch! Can't wait to meet the little gal...yup...i have a feeling...