Wednesday, December 03, 2008

My Christmas

On Saturday we went through our yearly ritual, and headed out to Goldenman Farm to pick out our Christmas tree. We drove through the frasers, and the pines, and then there it was. Do you see it? It's this one! A beautifully fragrant balsam fir. Daddy broke out the saws-all and went to work to cut 'er down. As you probably predicted, I was not a fan of the saw, and wouldn't get very close to the tree at all. Once we were heading back to the truck, I was a little more cooperative.

We drove the tree over to the teenagers, and they shook the old needles out, and then threw 'er in a bag and brought her to our truck. One the way home, we stopped for a hot chocolate and listened to Christmas music. Mom decorated her up and there she stands. My Christmas. Its not a tree, its my Christmas. Dad says its the best tree we've had yet!

Stickler for the rules,


Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful tree Henry. But where's the picture of Mommy as the topper????

Anonymous said...

Henry,, I like your tree, but, I LOVE your coat!!! That is the cutest coat ever!
love you, gammy

Brooke a.k.a. 34B cup said...

Damn holiday traditions. Tell your parents to stop being so ambitious and get a prelite fakey Mcfakerton like Auntie Brooke already.