Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Pman - Another Year Older

I'm spend all of my free time organizing all of the vacation photos that I got from Grandma and auntie Chris yesterday. Thank you, thank you. In the mean time, I have to tell you about Palmer's birthday. We were out of town for his actual party, so Mom and I decided to take him out to lunch on his big day instead. We took him to the Machine Shed. Remember that awesome place where all they have is John Deere tractor stuff?

It was such a great time! There were presents! And - you probably won't believe this, but my mac n cheese and Palmer's hot dog were served in tractor trailers! AND - we drank water out of JARS. Who has ever heard of such a thing? Hope you had a great birthday Pman...I sure enjoyed it.

A piece of the action,

1 comment:

gina said...

welcome back! that restaurant looks aweeeeeeesome! maybe jasper would actually eat mac and cheese if it were served in a tractor trailer. nice!