Thursday, November 08, 2007

Is It Wrestle or Wrastle?

Remember a couple of weeks ago when Daddy was in Chicago, and Mom went to New Auntie's bachelorette party, and I got to hang out with Patrick? Well, the photos have finally emerged, and boy is there a tale to tell....

We sat down to watch a new episode of Thomas the Train. I was sitting there, minding my business, and Patrick kept saying, "I've seen this one; its a rerun!" And I was trying to tell him that it isn't a rerun, its a new episode. I was very excited about it because this episode was starring the train named Henry, and I was just shocked to see it. Well, apparently Patrick had enough of me, and then he did this! Can you believe it? Well, he might be 2 years older than me, but I can hold my own. Can anyone say, "Take Down, Two Points"!?

The bigger they are, the harder they fall,


GramaE said...

Henry & Patrick, My stomach hurts from laughing. You two know how to made a person's day! Couldn't be cuter.


gina said...

that is some of the funniest stuff i've ever SEEN! that one of you leaning over to tell patrick what's what is awesome. you're totally hanging with the older kids.

oh, and according to my bus driver from 6th grade, it's "wrastlin'"...cause i got in trouble for that once. believe it or not. i had to go sit in the front of the bus for wrastlin'. for the record, it was my friend kelly and i being silly, i wasn't beating anyone up...cause i know you were wondering.

love auntie gina