Wednesday, August 29, 2007

German Roots Prevail Again

Mmmm, doesn't that sauerkraut look yummy? Mom broke out all of her culinary skills last night and made hot dogs and tater tots for dinner. Dad likes a little kraut on his dogs. So I thought I might give it a shot. Turns out, it wasn't too bad, and I went back for more myself this time. I ate that right up. Side note: I like it a little at a time. If I get too big of a bite it gives me the shimmy shimmy shake shakes, with all of my might.

Second to none,


Anonymous said...

This is for Mommy (but.....just wait til they let ya have a brat life will be alllll good)
I wathched Ice Road Truckers last night or IRT if you prefer I dug it I was not sure when you first recomended it but ...... now I am a fan
Much love Nik

Anonymous said...

Henry wait till you try that kraut with knefla. It is so yummy, for your tummy and very very German.
Miss ya big guy,

Auntie Mel

GramaE said...

Regarding your last comment...that's why they call it SOUR ("sauer" is the german word) kraut (means cabbage). You will be learning all this stuff. However, that's about all I know about German stuff. For the rest you will have to contact GrampaE.

Miss you, GramE