Sunday, September 16, 2007

I Said, No Socks!


GramaE said...

Are those your Yankee socks? HENRY!! I'm tellin' GGrampaW! I don't know for sure what he will do. (It depends on if they beat Boston tonight). But, disappointed might describe what he will feel. It's time you come to know that. This is important family information that you are never too young to learn.

I have your best interests at heart, GramE

Anonymous said...

Hi Henry, well, I'm sort of like you because I love to be barefoot...but dude you live in Mn.!!!When it gets 30 degrees and lower, your gonna need to wear some shoes and sox when you go out side. I know, I hate it too, but those are the "Facts." I think you are best suited to live on the beach in Mexico, like gammy.