Tuesday, September 04, 2007

More Food Talk

So, you're probably going to have a heart attack, but I really love to chew on apples. I can't get a big enough bite for me to choke, so I think its OK. I mean, I really almost ate the whole thing. I'm getting so daring in my food choices these days. I think the State Fair brought something out of me. The other night we went out for Juicy Lucy's at the 5-8 Grill & Bar. The next time you are in town or wanna go out to dinner with us, make us take you there. It was like no other, and then I can have another bite of everything.

Upper crust,


gina said...

oh my tummy aches. i never did have a juicy lucy but it looks so delicious. and by the way hen, an apple a day keeps the doctor away...so you are all set.

love ya.
auntie gina

Anonymous said...

Henry! I was traveling last week on business so had to catch up today. OH MY GOSH YOU'RE SUCH A WALKER! Michael and I loved watching that video and are so excited because it means you can sneak out of the house and get down to KC to spend time with us!!!! :-) Love you so much - and your dad, and well ya, I guess your Mama too.