Sunday, July 29, 2007

Real chocolate milk at a real resturant


Anonymous said...


You are such a quick-study like your mama was when she was your age. The straws are way cool when eating out with friends, huh?

Don't be upset with me, okay?... Big J and I were in Maple Grove celebrating your 2nd cousin Casey's 22nd b-day this weekend. I got STRICT ORDERS not to go see you! I wanted to and should have... I regret not caving under pressure! Next time I won't advertise that I'm coming, OKAY! IT WILL BE OUR SECRET HENRY. Sooo, Happy 13 months -- it looks like walkin' is right around the corner:)

Love and hugs,
Great Auntie M & Big J

Anonymous said...


you and i have never actually met in person - but i'm sure that our spirits are connected. truly. though, if i'm honest (and i always try to be) are much more advanced than i am; you can not only blog- but you do it well and i have only just figured out how i can leave comments on your blog... i know your parents will be shocked to hear that you are "advanced"...right. anyway - i just want you to know that i learn something new from you nearly every day. seriously, dude. you are a guru or something. keep the wisdom rolling - i look forward to the day when we can finally sit and enjoy a 1/2 apple juice/ 1/2 water sippy together over some good conversation...tash m.

GramaE said...

Henry, I don't know what your Auntie M is talking about. There were no threats!! I might get a little jealous of people who get to see you more often than I do, but I need to emphasize, there were never any threats! Just so you are clear about that.

Love, GramE