Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Wheels On the Bus Go Round

Check out my new ride I got for my birthday from my cousins Presley and Cody! I just love it, obviously. And Dad and Mom love it too because that song will not be annoying at all. (cough, cough). It has all kinds of buttons to push and horns and a compartment in the seat I can put things in and take things out.

Lately, since I've been crawling, people are coming up to me and telling me I'm thinning out. Like, what? Are you calling me fat? What must I looked like before? No, seriously, though, its true. Mom noticed it yesterday on my thighs. The rolls just aren't as deep as they once were. Just look at this picture from March. Times are a changin'. I, personally, think its great. I'm sick of shopping in the "husky" section at all the stores.

True blue,

PS - I have got to send a shout out to my cousin Presley! Happy Birthday!! I can't wait to see you in August and I wish I was there to party it down with you today! Also, to my pseudo-auntie Kari - have a great birthday and make Dan buy you dinner.


Anonymous said...

Hi Henry, I've worn the video out of you on your bus....you are so cute and just so happy. I talked to Presley this morning and we are going to his birthday party Sat. We are all so excited about the August vacation in Mn. Presley,Cody and I can't wait to go fishing with YOU!!! XOXO gammy

Anonymous said...

Henry, I love your new ride!! Oh, I am sure mommy and daddy will love hearing that song over and over again!! You look like you are having so much fun!! I really enjoy reading about you. It was fun seeing you at Larry and Melissa's wedding reception! You have grown much since last summer when we hung out in 116 degree temps at Grandpa E's house!! Keep being you! Love, Deb E.

GramaE said...

Henry, in regard to our vacation that gammy referred to, how are you going to deal with two gramas who are ga-ga for you for a whole week? It's one of those things you have to put up with for the elders. Somehow I think you will be up to the challenge. At least you can get away from us now if you need to. Speaking of crawling...I too asked your mama if you were loosing weight? Of course the vertical stripes are always a good choice. Hey, maybe those flip-flops will fit by the end of the summer!

Love forever, GramE