Friday, April 27, 2007

April Showers

I wish I could explain to you how much I love to take showers. Its my favorite thing of the day. I love the water, the music playing, man, its just a great way to start the day. I mean, well, OK - here's how it all plays out:

Mom and I hang out on their bed and watch TV and play. In the mean time, Dad goes into the bathroom and cranks the radio and turns on the water. I'm instantly excited - doin' the hand jive, all of it. Then Dad yells the predetermined "secret code word." For instance, today was going to be Freaky Friday, but Dad didn't like that one, so we all decided on Curtain Rod. Others include Chuckles, Tangle Town, and Lady Luck. Figuring out the code word is half the fun.

Anyway, when we hear that its go time, Mom grabs me and we run into the bathroom and she hands me off to Daddy who's ready and waiting to scrub me up! We play under the shower head, we sit on the floor, its just so fun and I don't know why. Then Dad yells the code secret word and Mom grabs me and dries me off and we get dressed and go down stairs for breakfast. How great is that?

Fools rush in,

PS - Yesterday someone thought I was a girl at the grocery store. 'Nuff said.


Anonymous said...

Henry, where's the full frontal picture??

Anonymous said...

He's so handsome!
no not you. the kid. :-)