Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Crocodile Hunter

Let's just stick with this cowboy theme here for a while. This has got redneck, back woods kid written all over it. Overalls, with a surfin' t-shirt over a long john shirt. Haute couture Oklahoma style. Mad props to my Mangum peeps.

Life with Dad has been awesome! I went on two appointments with him yesterday. I got to play with the kids at these people's houses while Dad helped them with their roofs or whatever he was doing. One lady even gave me a pair of Crocs! Just like Daddy's!! Boy, these really are comfortable on my tired dogs.

Not much else going on these days. Just REALLY looking forward to G&G E coming for a visit this weekend. Just pray it doesn't snow or there's no way G-ma will come. Chicken.

Will it be cash or charge?

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