Monday, June 04, 2007

Breaking News!!

What I wouldn't do for a 'Nilla Wafer!! Dude, check the dismount. Killer.

Haven't seen enough? Check out how its done here.

Like a man on a mission,



Anonymous said...

Wow Hank!!! You are an awesome crawler! How did that Nilla wafer taste after you put it under your booty? I also noticed your Mom's real furniture - pretty snazzy! Not long now before you come visit us - yippee!!! We had a deer in the yard this weekend. I'll ask him to come back to see you. Wish my nephew Alex a happy birthday today. He's eleven, can you believe it!!

gina said...

that crawling stuff is such hard work - good job, dude! love, auntie gina

Anonymous said...

Henry YOU DID IT!!!!!!!You really did it.... Grampa Jack saw your blog first and told me to get right on... there is a Big surprise. I'm soooo proud of you. Great g-ma saw too and she can't believe it; you're awsome. love, gammy

GramaE said...

You look sooooo excited and well you should be. There's no stoppin' you now! It opens a whole new world. This was a long time comin' and, you know what?...It's just fine. I love how you've stayed a baby a little longer that way!! Hee hee.

Your maternal gmom