Thursday, June 07, 2007

Breaking News!!

Two things: First and foremost - tooth number three baby! On the top, my front right tooth, left to you. I wouldn't let Mom take a picture of it though. We were at the park with the neighbors, and all of a sudden Mom yells at me, "Henry Aaron what did you do?!" And the other mom's were like, what the? Then Mom started screaming, "He got a tooth, a tooth!!" And everyone was very excited. Again, one step closer to meat. Bring it.

Secondly - I got my first bruise on my head today. Above my right eye, its hard to see. I guess it comes with the territory when you're crawling (!). I was tough, and I didn't cry. To be frank, (don't call me Frank), I don't even know how I got it. I think it was when I bonked my head on Mom's knee this morning when I was crawling (!) around the bed. Since you brought it up, I crawled from the kitchen to the living room to the stairway in my house today. My knees are totally callus-y.

Going, going, gone,


1 comment:

GramaE said...

Henry...henry...henry..hold on a little with all your advancements. GramE needs to see you before you do anything more!! And that's an order!! Crawling all over the house, a mouth full of teeth, sitting up in bed and pulling yourself up. ENOUGH ALREADY!!! If you start walking in the next two weeks, I will become a mad woman (some may argue that's a done deal). Anyway, do you get the message? I MISS YOU SO MUCH!! Love, Your GramE