Monday, June 11, 2007

Derby '07

Where do I begin talking about how fun that Derby party was? All the girls wore dresses and funny hats. Even Buddha got in on the action. There were tributes to the great Secretariat all over the house. With tons of yummy food and people were crazy here and there. Too bad us kids had to go to bed so early, because the real craziness was with the adults. I guess they don't get out much these days.

Things started to get out of hand when Daddy started dancing and then, please make it stop, Mom thought she'd try her hand at the "Roger Rabbit." I can't imagine the amount of money
I'm going to have to spend on intensive therapy just to get that image out of my head.

The tales will be long and many,
PS - Shout out to Miss Molly!! Happy Birthday girl!


Anonymous said...

Hi Henry, All I can say is "Lordy Lordy, Lordy." You better get used to it, your Daddy has been a dancin nut all his life; cuz he has soooo much fun and life just makes him dance. So don't worry be happy and ya, gammy

Anonymous said...

I at last know how to do this...boy let me tell ya you look good in that lil outfit I miss you and can not wait to see you it will be so fun!!!
Auntie Niki