Friday, February 02, 2007

5. Honestly, 5.

Can we talk about how cold it is? I mean honestly. Its 5 outside right now. 5. And I think that's being generous. Tomorrow the high is -4. -4. Most of the problem is that Mom & Dad knew the furnace was questionable. Just like the air conditioner didn't do much cooling this summer, now the heater isn't doing much heating. We're all in layers and blankets, and Dad says, - "Just keep putting layers on. Its fine." I'll *fine* him, right into next week.

We made another attempt at going to the gym again today. Mom dealt with it much better. She actually signed up this time, and got her membership. The people were very nice and showed her how to use the lockers. She just needs to do these things in her own time. I had fun at their daycare, until one of the people that work there decided to put me down, instead of holding me the whole time. Can you believe it? Well, I let her know who's boss. I don't think that will happen again.

The lights are on but no one's home,



Derek said...


I have been noticing drool marks on a lot of your pictures. Your shirts always have a nice little puddle on them. That's pretty cool.

Uncle Derek

Banks said...

I thought Minnesotans were immune to the cold?!?!?! That is pretty damn cold though! We were 7 degrees this morning, with snow and wind.. SWEET. This winter is killing us. I might go around Evergreen and look for the medallion tonight.