Just a Little Top Heavy
For those of you wondering how the crawling is coming along.....
Half-baked idea,
This is a blog for my friends and family to keep up on the life and times of Henry. I'll try to post every now and then with something exciting that I've accomplished and with new photos.
For those of you wondering how the crawling is coming along.....
Half-baked idea,
Posted by
Monday, April 30, 2007
Posted by
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Labels: boating
The weather in Minnesota has turned awful. AWFULLY NICE! HA! We played outside all day yesterday. When you play hard, you also rest hard. I left it all on the field. And guess what else? We put the boat in the water last night! I know, right? That can only mean one thing....we're going boating! Yes, today will be my first time since I was two months old...I didn't really get it back then. I'm really looking forward to it and will let you know how it goes.
After dropping the boat off last night, we went out to dinner. Shocker, I know. But this is another one of the great things about living in Minnesota. It makes eating outside such a treat!
Well, we're off to the lake. Hope you all enjoy this great April day!
Rise and shine,
Posted by
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Posted by
Friday, April 27, 2007
Labels: Bath, Daddy, Moments, public comments
What do you think I would do, if I actually got something good in that straw?
My parents drag me to the craziest places. I know this looks like a dungeon, or King Arthur's castle, but its just a little Irish pub here in the grove. Erin go bragh!
I'll walk that extra mile for you,
Posted by
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I don't know what it is about those sweet potatoes, but God bless 'em. I can eat them any time of day, at any temperature, for any meal. I just love 'em. Actually, I really love all foods. This morning I wanted a bite of Dad's egg so bad. It looked all good and gooey and runny, with a little crispy on the edges. I've never had an egg, but I just know they're going to be great. I can't wait for people food! I still only have two teeth, so this poses a bit of a problem, but at least I have something to look forward to.
Yesterday I was much more pleasant to be around, I napped like a mad man. Daddy even had to wake ME up this morning instead of the other way around. I must need my beauty rest more than I thought.
Full of baloney,
Posted by
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Labels: eating
Mom was trying to take a picture of me this morning, and I would not cooperate. I just wanted to play with the strap on the camera. And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids. HA!
Not much going on these days, mid-week doldrums. Oh, one interesting thing....yesterday I refused to nap at all at school, so when Mom came to pick me up I was extremely cranky! I napped when I got home, then she had to wake me up for dinner and I ate, but then I went right back to crankiness. So I was in bed by 7:15. No complaints here. There's nothing good on TV on Mondays anyway.
Lock, stock and barrel,
Posted by
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Labels: napping
Hi all! Happy Monday! We're all still coming off the birthday buzz of last week. The goal of this week is to take it EASY. Mom's actually going to cook dinner this week, and we're going to go for walks, and start to be healthy individuals. The weather is getting so nice finally, that its inspiring to get out in the world and do something.
To the best of my ability,
PS - Speaking of inspiring, check out the latest entry in Emily Jane if you want to read something really great and romantic and a bit nauseating. Congratulations Em! We are so happy for you!
Posted by
Monday, April 23, 2007
Well, yesterday was the big party! There were tons of people at the house all day, coming in and out. Lots of food and laughing, seems that everyone had a good time. Here's a picture of Mom's cake that she made. Yummy chocolate. Today Daddy has been napping and Mom is cleaning. Typical day after party around here. I think we're finally done with the birthday celebrations for Mom, and now its time to start planning MINE!
Shake a leg,
Posted by
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Dear Henry,
You are ten months old today. Again, where has the time gone? You are turning into a little kids and you baby-ness is fleeting fast. Some times I look at you and I see a little boy. Although yesterday at the grocery store, no less than five people approached me to tell me how beautiful you are. Its unbelievable. You must have good genes. Its been fun watching you start to interact with other kids now too. Your favorite game is "Gouge Their Eyes Out." You won state champ in the 24lb weight division just this past month. Just ask Palmer.
You starting to tell us what you like and don't like. Sometimes you want food, and then you hate when we give it to you. Sometimes you want to be held then, you hate it. So we put you down and you hate that too. Henry, you're Dad and I will give you anything you want. Just tell us and it will make things so much easier for all parties involved. Honestly though, you really have been such and easy little one. You still sleep through the night, you take three, 2 hours naps everyday, and you are so fun and happy. I don't know how we got so lucky.
Now that the weather is getting nicer, you seem to love being outside. We were hoping you'd be the outdoorsy type, since your dad is too. He's very excited to take you fishing soon. I love how excited you get just when your dad enters the room. You start your little hand jive and kick your legs, and start laughing right away. You two are kindred spirits. He's a good guy to look up to, so stick with him and you'll go places, kid.
Smoochies, Mama
Posted by
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Labels: Archives
Loving Veggie Puffs with chopsticks. Every body's gotta start somewhere. I'm learning the joys of Asian cuisine at a young age. Those sticks are tricky though, but they're fun to chew on. This picture is from the other night when Laurie came out to dinner with us. We had so much fun, and ate lots of sushi, and lots of Veggie Puffs.
Today we're still busy with all of the planning for the big "Extravaganza" tomorrow for Mom's birthday. We're going to buy groceries today, make the cake, and do as much prep that can be done the day before. Uncle Derek and New Auntie Chris, (how long am I going to keep referring to her as "New Auntie"? I suppose until its officially official. Then she'll just be regular old Antie. hee hee) are coming over tonight and bring Mom a pizza pie for her birthday. I mean, you guys thought I was exaggerating, but this thing really does drag on and on and on.....and its spreading across the nation....
Every inch a king,
PS - I want to send a shout out to all the Vals....thank you so much for letting me hang out with you guys last night. I had so much fun and thank you for the new drum toy too! Maybe someday I'll get a real drum set! And one more shout out to Briella - you're 1 today! I'm not too far behind....have a wonderful birthday and dig into that cake like a champ. I know you will.
Posted by
Friday, April 20, 2007
29th 35th Birthday Mama! The day is finally here! Dad and I woke her up with a cup of coffee and presents and cards! She was so excited. The day has been very busy so far. Mama and I went shopping for a new outfit for her, because well, its her birthday, and because she and Daddy are going out to dinner tonight! And she got new shoes too. Later, I get to go see me pal Patrick and hang out with him while the parentals are at dinner. See, Mom's birthdays are super fun for everyone.
If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together,
PS - Mama wanted me to send a shout out to Niki, Larry, Gina, Add, LC, Presley, Cody, Annie, and Japper...........Thank you for the beautiful flowers! I love them!!
Posted by
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Mom made me put this picture on here today. I know I just had a photo of me in this shirt on the other day, but its Mom's favorite and she asked me to put another one on today too. Since its her Birth
Month Week, apparently she gets what ever she wants, so I had no choice. She's kind of obnoxious about this whole Birthday thing, but it hasn't been too bad because everything she wants to do is fun! Mostly it has been involving eating. She told Dad that she does not want to cook this whole week because its her Birth Week! So we've seen a few delivery guys at the door in the last couple days.
Tonight is the official big kick off to the Birthday Weekend Celebrations. (These are all national holidays, so yes, these words do need to be capitalized.) Laurie is coming over to have dinner with us and play with me. I haven't seen her in a while, so I'm very excited. Maybe she can calm Mom down a bit, but I have a feeling, knowing Laurie, she's an enabler.
Crazy as a loon,
Posted by
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I'm getting closer and closer to this walking thing. I can even take a few steps now, as long as someone is holding my arms of course. I really like standing though. If I'm cranky, all you have to do is prop me up next to the ottoman or coffee table, and I'm good to go.
I don't know for sure, but I either have a cold, or I have allergies. My nose is running, I'm coughing, and I'm very tired. Believe it or not, I've actually lost a bit my appetite the last couple days too. I love all foods, but the squash had me gagging last night. Next time Mom needs to put butter and sugar on it and I'll eat it right up.
Don't be a tattle tale,
Posted by
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Labels: Milestones, standing, Walking
Happy Monday! Today is such a fun start to a fun week. It's the beginning of my Mom's birthday week! And those of you who know her, know how she is around her birthday. Usually its the whole month, but she says I've slowed her down. There is planning going on, wine being drank, and new outfits being bought. She keeps buying herself gifts, to her, from her. This is my first "Mama's Birthday Week" and I'm excited to see how it all comes out. I mean, if she goes to this much trouble and has this much fun on her birthday, what is she going to do for mine?
Having the time of your life,
Posted by
Monday, April 16, 2007
Happy Tax Day everyone! I'm not sure what that's all about yet, but Dad is very happy to use me as a "deduction" this year. I'm just glad I could help out. Anyway, remember to get those out by tomorrow, or you're in huge trouble.
Everything is great today! The weather just couldn't be nicer. Its in the 60's, we got up and went for a nice long walk, and then Mom & I went to the grocery store, and Daddy went fishing! The only problem is, I think I might be getting a cold. My nose is running like crazy, and I keep...hang on...here it comes again.....AAAHHHHH.....CHOOOOOO.....hhhhmmmmm, that felt good.
Posted by
Sunday, April 15, 2007
I've discovered a new love/hate relationship with citrus.
Always look at the bright side of life,
Posted by
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Today has been so busy already! I had a play date with my friends Abbylee and Briella. They came over and we had lunch and played! They were really cool, even though they're girls. I really liked to hug Briella, she's so pretty. And Abbylee likes to be the star of the show, so she put on a dance show for us all. She's really good at dancing.
Before the girls came over, Mom finally got her new washer and dryer delivered. She said she's never been more excited about laundry in her life. I'm just wanting a clean pair of pants.
The painters have finished up painting the downstairs too. Yay! I will include a few pictures. For those of you who have seen it, the mint green walls and black trim are GONE! But please ignore the mess, we're not completely put back together, but it still looks so much better than it did. Here's the bathroom. And here's Daddy's office. You almost want to hang out down there now. They'll start painting the upstairs trim in the next week or two....and then we're done, done, done!
One sandwich short of a picnic,
Posted by
Friday, April 13, 2007
I had another photo shoot today. Its crazy. I didn't eat for a week just so I could fit into this outfit for my 9 month photos. Again, not the greatest photographer in the world. I didn't find her real amusing, and Mom wasn't real funny either. I spent most of the time just making fart noises and staring blankly. Next time Mom said that Daddy has to come with because he's so funny
Instead of measuring we'll just eyeball it,
Posted by
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Labels: photo shoot, Sounds
I hope everyone knows, the Bud Lite was empty. Much to my dismay....
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my,
Posted by
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Nobody move or the baby gets it! Hands up against the wall. Spread 'em.
These are some of the fun games that we play at my house. Good cop, bad cop, badder baby criminal. We're making memories. Someday we'll all laugh at the good times. Good times. Plus you can't really tell from this picture, but Mom put my jammies on backwards last night, and didn't notice until this morning. So all night I had to deal with the tag in my face. How hard can it be to put a pair of jammies on a kid?
Mind your P's and Q's,
Posted by
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Labels: standing
This weekend, while G&G E were here, we went to dinner at Buca di Beppo. Now I love Italian food as much as the next guy, but this place was fantastic! First of all it was loud. I actually wasn't the loudest person in the room this time! And the food, I can't get over it. Although I had the worst garlic farts the next day. P-U. The adults came through with the booze - ie. Uncle Derek.
The artwork in this place was crazy. The walls are filled with crazy photography of famous and not-so-famous Italians. This lady was right over my shoulder all night. My personal favorite - Sophia Lauren - does this look like a cat fight waiting to happen or what? Everyone at the table thought this photo was so funny, and kept saying "Hopefully Henry doesn't grow up to look like that guy!" Again, I'm sitting right here people, I can hear you.
Waiter, there's a hair in my soup,
Posted by
Monday, April 09, 2007
Labels: Celebrities, Derek, eating, GnG E
Finally in a good mood again!
Love, HAJ
Posted by
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Happy Easter everyone! I hope the Easter Bunny brought you all lots of yummy goodies! I know I got way too much. Today I am not feeling well, and I am in a bit of a foul mood. I only made it about half way through church, and have needed naps a little more often today. Not even the always trusty chocolate bits, and veggie puffs are working to reel me in today.
G&G E just left after spending the weekend with us. Of course as you can imagine, they brought me lots of candy, and Mom and Dad too. I just love it when they visit. Mom & G-ma made yummy egg bake (Thank you Kathy) and yummy caramel rolls (Thank you Brooke) for Easter brunch. Along with kick butt ham and fruit salad. It was a great feast. Oh - remember - if you haven't already, since it Easter its a free day on your diet!
OK - sorry for the short post, but I need to get back down for a nap. My whining is driving my parentals crazy!!
Don't put all your eggs in one basket,
PS - Gammy, I know I promised you a video today, but really, I am so cranky, I'm not cooperating with Mom & Dad AT ALL. I promise it will come soon though. Love you!
Posted by
Sunday, April 08, 2007
This is a shot of me hangin' at Mom's office. After we all got our work done, we had a little wine time. Working at gunkelmanFlesher is awesome. That's my new secret crush, Karen, in the background. She's Mom's office mate, and sooooo pretty. Don't tell her boyfriend I said that. He's WAY bigger than me.
Its a mad house at my house today. We have painters here painting the basement, the cable guy is here putting cable in the porch, Mom's room, and the guest room. Then, the dryer clunked out, so Mom is ecstatic that she gets to pick out new tomorrow! And then, G&G E are on their way to town for the long Easter weekend! There's just so much going on - I'm off to take a nap.
Don't worry about the horse being blind, just load the wagon,
Posted by
Friday, April 06, 2007
Labels: Karen, Mama's office
I only have a moment to make this post, I'm very busy today as you can see. I have to cover for the receptionist at my mom's office since she decided to take a day off. The phones are ringing off the hook, and I need to make coffee for the rep's that just came in, and then someone dumped a load of papers on my desk that need to be copied, collated, and filed. There seems to be no end.
As if that isn't bad enough, I had my 9 month check up this morning! I know, I forgot about it too. Doctor said I'm perfectly healthy and she has no concerns. Whew. So, here's the stats - 24lbs 5oz. Yes. TWENTY-FOUR POUND, FIVE OUNCES. That throws me into the 91%. I think I weigh more than my 2 year old cousin Annie. But I'm OK with it. Although Doc did make one snide comment - she told Mom that sometimes babies don't crawl because of their size. Their size. I'm like - "I can hear you. I'm right here." And Mom said, "well, I don't blame him. I couldn't haul all that around either." And they laughed. This is what I did.
The rest of the numbers look like this - I am 28.25" long, in the 42%. And my head is 47cm, in the 88%. So basically I look exactly like my parents: heavy, short, with big heads. God bless genetics.
Gone with the wind, (Although according to my Dr. it'll take one hell of a gust!)
Posted by
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Labels: Dr appt., Mama's office
Reasons for an oldie, but goodie photo:
God bless a milk cow,
Posted by
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Labels: Baseball
Naked time! Its naked time! Here's another fun, new thing I like to do! Its very dangerous to have everything all out there and free, with no protection....but its worth the risk.
Yesterday at school I played hard and often. I only napped about half an hour! Well, on the way home I was out like a light. Then when Mom was getting me out of the car seat, I could hardly open my eyes. Mom carried me right up to bed for a nap, and that was the first time I laid my head on her shoulder and snuggled up while she carried me. She was so excited about, although I don't see the thrill - I was dog tired. She called Dad right away to tell him, and he was so jealous. If there's anyone out there in this world that likes to snuggle, its my papa.Slicker than a wet noodle,
Posted by
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Posted by
Monday, April 02, 2007
Labels: Bath, Milestones, Rolling
Happy Sunday! Today Daddy and I took a bath and had a blast! We also went shopping for new car seats for me - I'm getting too big for my current one. Its still raining, but tomorrow looks better.....its not healthy for people to go without sun for this long. I feel vitamin D deprived. That's a quick recap of today's events. Now we're just hanging out, recharging the old battery before another week,
Know thyself,
Posted by
Sunday, April 01, 2007